Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fat Acceptance

As girls we grow up watching Disney movies and playing with dolls. But what does this teach us about our bodies? We see the princesses with nice bodies, make up and getting a prince charming. Does this mean we have to grow and become these perfect women?

The media  and Ideology plays a big part in our view and expectation of our everyday lives. According to Croteau “ideology” often means belief systems that help justify the actions of those in power by distorting and misrepresenting reality. What that means to me is that certain people in power justify their action by making it seem what they are showing us is real. For example in Orenstein reading were viewing girls that growing up watching the Disney princesses, in this case Daisy that take part of being a princess and that the prince is going to wake her up by a kiss. When have we ever seen this in real life? Girls are growing up believing this. When we look a princess or a doll we see a skinny girl that doesn’t have a perfect life until she meet her prince and that’s when everything changes. According to Crotreau, Ideology us a system of meaning that helps define and explain the world and that makes value judge about world, which is related worldview, belief system and values. The dominant ideology is different perspective of struggle within media text, those in the promotion of particular ideas such as diverse are among the primary contemporary battleground.

 Even though some parents feel that their daughter would not encounter Disney it hard to avoid it, seeing that its everywhere.  For example Orenstein thought her daughter would reject the princess  but then there was her daughter waiting for  her prince to kiss her to live happily ever after. Many girls grow wanted to be just like a princess. Some of the movies show that the “modern” princess show that the right woman could turn a beast into a prince.

According to Orenstein  she have never seen a study proven that playing princess could damage girls self-esteem. But big evidence that the more media girls consume the more importance they play on being pretty and sexy.  Many studies show that teenage girls and college students who hold belief about femininity especially those that emphasize beauty and pleasing behavior are less ambitious and more likely to be depressed than their peers. They are also less likely to report that they enjoy sex or insist their partners use condoms.

 According to the Orenstein reading in 2006 survey of more than two thousand school aged girls repeatedly  described paralyzing pressure to be “perfect” not only to get straight As and be part of an activities but  also to be “kind and caring” “please everyone”, be thin and dress right” rather than living the dream. What does this tell us?  To me this is telling me that I would have to be this perfect woman to fit in. This also goes back to Disney because the princesses in the movies are perfect.  I believe that people do not have all this time to be thin and  get straight As. The media is very powerful and make girls believe that they have to be perfect in order to have a perfect life. They now feel they must not only have it all but be into all: Cinderella and super girl . aggressive and agreeable. Smart and stunning. The number of girls who excessively about their looks and weight actually between 2000 and 2006 did their reported stress  levels and their rates of depression and suicide. It is as if the more girl achieve the more obsessed they become with appearance.

“we can excel ion school, play sports, go to college, as pore to and get jobs previously for men, be working mother , and so forth. But in exchange we must obsess about our face, weight , breast size, clothing brands, decorating , perfectly calibrated  child- rearing about pleasing men and being envied by the other women”


According to Raby, Discourse organize how we think, what we know and how we can speak about the world around us. A discourse refers to a set of meanings, metaphors, representation, images, stories, statements and so on. Discourse works as truth statement; it is to see though them to identify how our reality is shaped. Many teenagers reject the dominant discourse.

Why do people resistance? It’s hard to resistant especially if it’s something you grow up and its something that is install in you ever since you’re little. According to Christensen our society’s culture industry colonizes their mind and teaches them how to act, live, and dream.  This hits young children hard.  The secret education. Children’s cartoons, movies and literature are the most influences genre. The stereotyped and worldwide embedded in the stories become accepted knowledge.   These books are mostly are made to entertain us, but are constantly giving us a secret education we are not only taught certain styles of violence, the latest fashion and sex roles by TV, movies magazines and comic strips . Many don’t believe that they have been manipulated by children’s media or advertising. Being expose d to TV images of girls and their set goals given to them by the media.


Changing the standard is hard especially when you’re going to be judged by society. Many people believe that you are an outcast if you go against society. Many people that resistant are seen as rebel. But it’s hard to go against what you have been raised with.  According to Christensen, they looked at how overweight people were portrayed as buffoons in episode after episode. When people see overweight people they look at them as they done something bad. People that are overweight are always looked as negative in the media. If you think about it is a form to resistant what the media and what we have been shown to be “real woman”.


What is fat acceptance?

The fat acceptance movement is known as the size acceptance, fat liberation or fat power movement.  What it is a social movement to change ant-fat bias in social attitude. The movement grew out of the various  identity politics of the 1960’s and campaigns for the right of fat people to be treated equally  both socially and legally. The fat acceptance movement argues that big people are targets of hatred and discrimination. Fat women are subjected to more social pressure than obese men. The movement argues that these attitudes comprise a fat phonic  entrenched social norms. In the social medias fat people are ridiculed or held up as objects of pity. Discrimination  includes lack of equal access to transportation and employment
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Many people sees a fat woman and automatically judges her. Have you ever a feeling of walking to a run and everyone is staring? Or have you ever walked to eat and people say little comments about you eating ? This is what society has come to where people look at you stares because you are not a size zero. A person never knows how it feels till you in that place. This all comes from media. Watching runway shows where all the models are tall and skinny. That what American considers to be pretty. Especially watching Victoria secret runway show. I feel that every year girls get skinnier.  Now in days teenagers are focus on looks.  But it’s not there fault. Media has a big impact on teenagers behave. But there are many girls that resist. For example when I was a teenager I remember wanted to be skinny then I learned that I was never going to be skinny. I learned to love myself because at the end of the day is not all about looks. I know it was hard living in a society that only focuses on looks but you learn how to overcome that.  I believe that everyone is beautiful no matter what size, shape or color you are, because I believe that everyone has special within them.
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No to Victoria's Secret runway shows!!!!!!
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Before taking these class I had no idea how much media influences us. When we are teen we are seen as this rebel, misbehaved, troublemakers. Teenager just want to live their life they don’t want people saying  that they are aliens because they are not. They are teens that just trying to live their lives just like the rest of us. Before this class I had no idea how much Disney affected  who we are and who become. This class raised questions to me. Teenagers are not the problem they are just living their daily life.

This link leads to a page about how teenage girl feel. There are different experiences and if you are plus then you’re going to relate to this

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